Organized by Octopus stroytelling


A.D. 1347, an obscure and incurable evil has struck all of the Ancona Marca. The doctors seem powerless before the spread of the disease and the pleas that friars and monks address to the Almighty prove fruitless. There are those who are crazy by this point, and stare blankly into space. Others invoke divine forgiveness. Yet more surrender themselves to the worst vices in the expectation that death, inexorable, will overtake them. The only hope of salvation seems to be kept inside a magical cave, located on a distant mountain, where a creature as fascinating as it is indecipherable resides: the Sibyl.


Since the end of the world seems to be ever closer, you have been chosen among a handful of adventurers to overcome the pitfalls that hide this mysterious place and to meet the fairy who, it is said, has supernatural powers and can help humans to communicate with the divine.


Max 25 partecipanti

Cost €5



Saturday 3rd August from 13:00-17:00 | Market Square






03 August 13:00

“La grande Pietra” (The Big Stone) Roleplaying

Montelago Square Montelago Square
Sponsor Istituzionali
Regione Marche Comune di Serravalle di Chienti Provincia di Macerata Università di Camerino Legambiente F.I.R.
Sponsor Ufficiali
Contram Cosmari Idromele Le Torri Az. Ag. Comet Rema Tarlazzi Caledonia Birrificio Il Mastio Varnelli
Sponsor Tecnici
Cocovan Domizioli Viaggi Risorse Cooperativa Malaripe Wirtek by Newtec Multiradio